Sustainable Fresh Water Aquaculture


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By Nick Romanowski

From the basics for backyarders, to commercial farming on broad acres, Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture is the most complete and accessible guide to freshwater aquaculture in Australia. Including detailed explanations of pond and dam design, water quality, foods and feeding, breeding and propagating aquatic plants and animals; Sustainable freshwater aquaculture is an invaluable resource for both the hobbyist and those hoping to make profits from their aquaculture venture. The central themes of the book are to maintain sustainability while maximising profitability. With over 80 full-colour photographs and detailed information on the best species of fish and crayfish available in Australia – and, importantly, how to source them, this books wide-ranging discussion covers all the basics needs to understand and apply aquatic farming principles – whether in the backyard pond or on the farm.

(184 Pages, Paperback, Australia)

Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 616 g
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 1 cm