Small Farms – March 2018


3 in stock

SKU: SKU17043 Category:



Inside your March 2018 issue of Small Farms magazine

  • On-farm safety measures
  • Fig-uring out backyard expansion
  • Small cattle, biggish business
  • Getting your hands on a farm
  • How good is a house of straw?
  • Ancient breed, classic taste
  • Unfried green tomatoes
  • The farm visit fad
  • Yabby dabby doo
  • Euro cattle breeds
  • The Anzac horse
  • Don’t be ham-fisted
  • There’s a grain of truth
  • Meet fencing’s poster boy
  • Buck, buck, buck$
  • Spectacular spanner art
  • School’s in with Farmer George
  • and much more….

Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 285 g
Dimensions 29.7 × 21 × 0.4 cm